/* Magic Mirror Config Sample * * By Michael Teeuw http://michaelteeuw.nl * MIT Licensed. * * For more information on how you can configure this file * See https://github.com/MichMich/MagicMirror#configuration * */ var config = { address: "localhost", // Address to listen on, can be: // - "localhost", "", "::1" to listen on loopback interface // - another specific IPv4/6 to listen on a specific interface // - "", "::" to listen on any interface // Default, when address config is left out or empty, is "localhost" port: 8080, ipWhitelist: ["", "::ffff:", "::1"], // Set [] to allow all IP addresses // or add a specific IPv4 of : // ["", "::ffff:", "::1", "::ffff:"], // or IPv4 range of --> use CIDR format : // ["", "::ffff:", "::1", "::ffff:"], useHttps: false, // Support HTTPS or not, default "false" will use HTTP httpsPrivateKey: "", // HTTPS private key path, only require when useHttps is true httpsCertificate: "", // HTTPS Certificate path, only require when useHttps is true language: "fr", timeFormat: 24, units: "metric", // serverOnly: true/false/"local" , // local for armv6l processors, default // starts serveronly and then starts chrome browser // false, default for all NON-armv6l devices // true, force serveronly mode, because you want to.. no UI on this device modules: [ { module: "alert", }, { module: "updatenotification", position: "top_bar" }, { module: "helloworld", position: "top_left", config: { text: "Doudoune Nous sommes " } }, { module: "clock", position: "top_center" }, { module: "currentweather", position: "bottom_right", config: { location: "heillecourt", locationID: "3013585", //ID from http://bulk.openweathermap.org/sample/city.list.json.gz; unzip the gz file and find your city appid: "1d8fxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx2c" } }, { module: "weatherforecast", position: "bottom_right", header: "Previsions de la semaine", config: { location: "heillecourt", locationID: "3013585", //ID from http://www.openweathermap.org/help/city_list.txt appid: "1d8fe4xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxb9a9cc917ae2c" } }, { module: "newsfeed", position: "bottom_bar", config: { feeds: [ { title: "Le Monde", url: "https://www.lemonde.fr/rss/une.xml" } ], showSourceTitle: true, showPublishDate: true } }, { module: "MMM-kalliope", position: "upper_third", config: { title: "Kalliope" } }, { module: "MMM-RTSPStream", position: "top_right", header: "", config: { autoStart: true, rotateStreams: false, rotateStreamTimeout: 10, moduleWidth: 320, moduleHeight: 180, localPlayer: 'omxplayer', remotePlayer: 'none', showSnapWhenPaused: true, remoteSnaps: true, stream1: { name: 'Caméra portail', url: 'rtsp://xxxxxx:xxxxxxxxx@192.168.x.x:554/11', frameRate: 'undefined', snapshotType: 'url', snapshotRefresh: 10, width: 320, height: 180, }, } }, { module : 'MMM-PIR-Sensor' , config : { // Voir 'Options de configuration' pour plus d'informations. } }, { module: 'MMM-Jeedom', header: 'Maison connectée Jeedom', position: "top_left", config: { updateInterval: 3000, jeedomAPIKey: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", jeedomURL: "192.x.0.x", jeedomPORT: 80, jeedomHTTPS: false, jeedomAPIPath: "/core/api/jeeApi.php", sensors: [ { idx: "554", symbol: "fa fa-thermometer-half", customTitle: "Temperature Garage", unit : "°C", }, { idx: "767", symbol: "fa fa-thermometer-half", customTitle: "Temperature Bureau", unit : "°C", }, { idx: "775", symbol: "fa fa-thermometer-half", customTitle: "Temperature Salla a manger", unit : "°C", }, { idx: "577", symbol: "fa fa-thermometer-half", customTitle: "Temperature salon", unit : "°C", }, { idx: "553", symbolon: "fas fa-door-open", symboloff: "fa fa-door-closed", customTitle: "La porte du garage est fermée", customTitleOn: "La porte du garage est ouverte", boolean : true, }, { idx: "766", symbolon: "fa fa-door-open", symboloff: "fa fa-door-closed", customTitle: "la porte du bureau est fermée", customTitleon: "la porte bureau est ouverte", boolean : true, }, { idx: "774", symbolon: "fas fa-door-open", symboloff: "fas fa-door-closed", customTitle:"la porte de la salle a manger est fermée", customTitleOn: "la porte de la salle a manger est ouverte", boolean : true, }, { idx: "89", symbolon: "fas fa-camera", symboloff: "fas fa-plug", customTitle:"la camera de l'escalier est éteinte", customTitleOn: "la camera d l'escalier est allumée", boolean : true, }, { idx: "95", symbolon: "fas fa-bath", symboloff: "fas fa-plug", customTitle:"La balneo est éteinte", customTitleOn: "La balneo est allumée", boolean : true, }, { idx: "585", symbolon: "far fa-lightbulb", symboloff: "fas fa-plug", customTitle:"la lumier d'ambiance est éteinte", customTitleOn: "la lumier d'ambiance est est allumée", boolean : true, }, { idx: "3", customTitle: "Position du volet de la cuisine", symbol: "fas fa-sort", sameLine: true, unit : "%", }, { idx: "16", customTitle: "Position du volet de la salle a manger ", symbol: "fas fa-sort", sameLine: true, unit : "%", }, { idx: "50", customTitle: "Position du volet de la chambre d'amis", symbol: "fas fa-sort", sameLine: true, unit : "%", }, { idx: "36", customTitle: "Position du volet de la chambre des parents", symbol: "fas fa-sort", sameLine: true, unit : "%", }, ] } }, ] }; /*************** DO NOT EDIT THE LINE BELOW ***************/ if (typeof module !== "undefined") {module.exports = config;}